Understanding your Water Meter
Water meters are read by a drive-by remote frequency device every three months (quarterly) – April, July, October and January. Bills are sent out at the end of the quarterly reading month. The Town of Melita makes every effort to keep reading dates consistent so each quarter is based on a period of approximately 90 days.
Water meters contain a nutating disc measuring chamber, which means that unless water goes through the meter, consumption is not recorded.
If a meter malfunctions it will slow down or stop. Common issues with the remote frequency meters malfunctioning include a blockage due to sand/silt in the line (generally after hydrant flushing, or turning off in the home for repairs) or a dead battery.
To read your meter you must shine a flashlight on the face of the meter to charge the reading panel.
It is the responsibility of the homeowner to ensure their water meter is accessible to Town staff at all times. The area surrounding the meter should be free and clear of debris. Damage to water meters caused by negligence will result in the homeowner being charged the replacement cost of the meter (starting at approximately $350).
If you notice an issue with your meter, you are to call the Town office at 204-522-3413 as soon as possible.
Moving In or Out of Melita?
If you are moving into Melita; to a new home; or out of Melita, it is your responsibility to inform the Town office, a minimum of two working days prior to moving, so that a reading of the meter can be taken and a final bill generated. You must also inform the Town office of any address changes.